Each Tuesday evening during the Prime Season the HBC sponsors this ride from Sharecare/Healthways in Cool Springs. This is a 25-mile route all the way down the new extension of Carothers Blvd. to Long Lane with its challenging rollers, over the steep Gosey Hill climb to Peytonsville, and back by Trinity and North Chapel. When daylight is short, a cutoff on Crowder is available to make for a 21-mile ride. When daylight is longer, a 30 mile route is available.
Be sure to bring headlights and taillights when daylight is short!
Peter Cacchioli and Fredia Barry will lead these rides, with assistance from David Wood, Steve Saxton, and Jeff Sammons. This ride is for experienced moderate riders as well as racers. There is considerable traffic on some of the roads, and the ride is NOT for beginners. The racers and A riders will head out first and watch out for each other! Then our leaders will make sure the more moderate riders make it home. Most riders will regroup at the intersection of Long Lane and Gosey Hill Road. We want the racing teams to keep coming and training hard, but those who are not setting a time record are encouraged to regroup for a congenial ride!
Here are the cue sheets: