For our Halloween treat this Saturday, Mary Turner has planned a very special metric century adventure to Bell Buckle. The ride will begin at 9:00 at College Grove Elementary School. The route is not too hilly and goes from College Grove over to Midland and Fosterville in Rutherford County and then heads south to the quaint village of Bell Buckle, famous as home to The Webb School and lots of local shops. Four possible rest stops are available there, as indicated on this map.
The course then comes back by Kingdom Road and Haunt Hollow, just perfect for Halloween! The route is 62 miles. Here's the cue sheet:
College Grove to Bell Buckle Metric Century
Century Option!
7:45 A.M. - Cecil Lewis Park at Trinity, 3680 North Chapel Rd., Franklin 37067
A group of HBC riders, led by Jerry Franks, are planning to make the Bell Buckle ride into a full century! They will leave from Trinity Park at 7:45 in order to hook up with Mary's group at College Grove. The full century offers 4,500 feet of climbing, not bad for a century around here! Here's the Century cue sheet:
Trinity Park to Bell Buckle - 100.8 miles!
RSVP for the Metric or the Full Century ride: