Saturday, Sept. 17 - 8:00 A.M.
The Abyss!
Westhaven parking lot, 1025 Westhaven Blvd., Franklin - take Hwy. 96 west from Franklin, turn left on Westhaven Blvd. at the traffic light, veer right onto State Blvd., and then take the very first left.
Bruce Green leads our club ride from Westhaven this Saturday. Here is a map to guide you to the parking lot at Westhaven. Westhaven Blvd. is directly across Hwy. 96 from the end of Old Charlotte at the big sign for Gentry Farm. There's a new traffic light there.
Westhaven Map.
The route is a fun one, with several challenging climbs! There are options of 50 and 60 miles. Both routes stay together up Stillhouse early in the ride and then take the upgrade on Cumberland to Fairview High School and the Market for a rest stop. Then the 60-mile route tackles the The Abyss on Daugherty-Capley, while the 50-miler does Barnhill and diverts over to Pewitt. Here are the cue sheets:
The Abyss - 60 miles - GPS
Short route - 50 miles - GPS